KENWOOD Z919 Released Oct 6th - 2001 *Bandung - Indonesia* Hi all the skin collector, thank you for downloading and using this skin. Make sure You run on a true color (24 or 32 bit) display with a resolution at (min) 1024-768 for the best result. My obsession is make the Hi-Fi skin is look ralism. So I browse any models of Hi-Fi and Car Audio for My reference. Then I found Kenwood Z919 Car Audio, and I thing that's is the cool models. I spent much time to make that skin, because I want get the maximal result. For this time, I feel satisfied, but in next time I don't know, maybe I want create the better skin than this skin. I hope You like this skin, and if You found bugs and have any good idea please e-mail me. I'll be glad if You give any criticism and suggestion. THANK'S 4 YOUR ATTENTION "Feel free to distribute it, but as a favor, please distribute it WITH this readme.txt file, and Please, do not change my skin without my permission, I have spent days in the process of making." If you have any suggestions, questions, or found bugs! please send me e-mail. Thank's Skinmaster : Iswahyudi"idhuy"Hanafiah e-mail : Website : Address : Jl. Sersan Surip no 40/169A Ledeng Bandung West Java - Indonesia Phone : +62 22 2001102 KENWOOD and KENWOOD logo is trademark of KENWOOD electronic, Inc Winamp is Copyright © 1997-2001 Nullsoft, Inc. and Justin Frankel. Winamp is a trademark of Nullsoft, Inc. Special Thank's to all skinmaster & skincollector in around the world.